

Cofesa, the Confederation of Employers of South Africa posted #CofesaWeStay- positive news on the #ImStaying forum:

To create between 22m and 30m jobs plus more than 50m jobs on the continent, Cofesa had positive engagements with government to free our vibrant economy from the constraints of affirmative action, employment equity, lift restrictions on temporary employment services, [more…]


The most common lies on South African CV’s – which could soon lead to jail time


The introduction of new laws will see qualification fraud be made into a punishable offence in South Africa.

The National Qualifications Amendment Bill, which is currently waiting to be signed off by President Cyril Ramaphosa, aims to create grounds for punishment for individuals who fabricate their qualifications – with up to five years of jail time.

The [more…]

The most common lies on South African CV’s – which could soon lead to jail time2019-05-22T09:12:04+02:00

Dismissing for insubordination – The Labour Appeal Court gives clarity


Provided By Cowan-Harper-Madikizela By Neil Coetzer & Thato Matloko

In TMT Services and Supplies (Pty) Ltd v CCMA and 2 Others [JA32/2017] the Labour Appeal Court recently had occasion to clarify the issue of when dismissal would be appropriate for acts of insubordination.

In this case, TMT Services and Supplies (Pty) [more…]

Dismissing for insubordination – The Labour Appeal Court gives clarity2019-02-05T11:58:09+02:00

Staying at home during a strike? Remember to tell your employer.


Provided By Cowan-Harper-Madikizela By Neil Coetzer

It is well-known that strikes in South Africa are routinely marred by violence and intimidation. It often happens that due to the violence, or the threat of violence, employees stay at home during a strike, claiming that they are too afraid to attend work. Employers often exercise leniency [more…]

Staying at home during a strike? Remember to tell your employer.2019-02-05T08:06:06+02:00

Cosatu prepares for #NationalStrike


Johannesburg – Cosatu is gearing up for a national strike in two weeks’ time to protest against the retrenchments, unemployment, corruption and racism plaguing the country.

The strike is set to take place a week after President Cyril Ramaphosa delivers his State of the Nation Address.

The [more…]

Cosatu prepares for #NationalStrike2019-02-05T08:03:11+02:00

Labour inspectors to start blitz campaign to check on minimum wage compliance


CAPE TOWN – The labour department announced on Tuesday it would be embarking on a national blitz campaign in February to check whether employers were complying with the newly introduced national minimum wage (NMW).

In a statement, department deputy director-general in charge of inspection [more…]

Labour inspectors to start blitz campaign to check on minimum wage compliance2019-02-05T08:01:02+02:00

Policy incoherence is destroying the economy and jobs, says business


The Public-Private Growth Initiative has been launched at a Business Unity SA indaba in an effort to revive the economy

Policy incoherence and uncertainty has hampered business growth in the country leading to massive job losses, leaders of various sectors of the economy told delegates at a Business [more…]

Policy incoherence is destroying the economy and jobs, says business2019-02-01T09:42:48+02:00

Labour Relations: Important new legislation of 2018


Provided By Strauss Daly Attorneys

The Labour Relations Amendment Act, Basic Conditions of Employment Amendment Act & the National Minimum Wage Act.

2018 drew to a close and as we herald in a new year, so too have we seen the signing into law of the [more…]

Labour Relations: Important new legislation of 20182019-01-29T12:00:25+02:00

Behind unions’ new caution on prescribed assets


Organised labour, which has championed the notion of prescribed assets for pension funds in the past, says that high levels of corruption mean that workers must be cautious about how their funds are used by the state.

Labour federation and ANC alliance partner Cosatu, which has been at the forefront of the campaign [more…]

Behind unions’ new caution on prescribed assets2019-01-29T10:18:27+02:00

Restraint of trade: What does it mean?


Provided By Abrahams & Gross By Jeremy Simon & Wesley Scheepers

The majority of employment contracts contain a restraint of trade clause. Many people merely consider it a standard clause but it can have serious implications for future employment.

The implications can be seen in the recent dispute [more…]

Restraint of trade: What does it mean?2019-01-29T10:14:02+02:00

You will have to pay your domestic worker more from this week


The Department of Labour has increased the minimum wage payable to South African domestic workers.

Published on Monday (3 December), the new minimum wage will take immediate effect and employers will now be responsible for ensuring that they meet the new wages as prescribed by the legislation.

This minimum wage will continue until the official introduction of [more…]

You will have to pay your domestic worker more from this week2018-12-10T15:24:27+02:00

Minimum wage and paternal leave addressed


Cofesa Labour Law Specialists·Thursday, December 6, 2018

Provided by: Eversheds Sutherland | By: Pascale De Froberville

After much anticipation, President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed the National Minimum Wage Bill and the Labour Laws Amendment Bill into law.

These laws will bring about some major changes in South African labour law and will have significant consequences for [more…]

Minimum wage and paternal leave addressed2018-12-10T15:21:28+02:00

Ramaphosa onderteken wetsontwerp oor minimum loon


Die nasionale minimum loon tree op 1 Januarie 2019 in werking nadat pres. Cyril Ramaphosa op Vrydag 23 November die wetsontwerp op die nasionale minimum loon onderteken het.

Dié stap volg nadat die Nasionale Raad van Provinsies die wetsontwerp in Augustus goedgekeur het. Luidens ’n berig op Times Live het [more…]

Ramaphosa onderteken wetsontwerp oor minimum loon2019-02-05T08:21:33+02:00

A new Tobacco Bill and a workplace smoking ban: employers should review their smoking policies


Provided By Eversheds Sutherland By Sandra Milo

In line with global trends the South African legislature has drafted the Control of Tobacco Products and Electronic Delivery Systems Bill 2018 (“the Bill”), which is likely to be passed into law [more…]
A new Tobacco Bill and a workplace smoking ban: employers should review their smoking policies2018-10-23T13:11:49+02:00

EE Amendment Bill proposes for sectoral targets


The Department of Labour says the Employment Equity (EE) Amendment Bill and Regulations is proposing the establishment of sectoral targets to enable employers to transform workplaces.

Department of Labour Deputy Director of the Employment Equity (EE) Directorate, Masilo Lefika, said the EE amendments and Regulations have proposed for the establishment of 18 sectors as per the [more…]

EE Amendment Bill proposes for sectoral targets2018-10-17T11:46:36+02:00
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