Business Report writes that agricultural sector association Agri SA on Wednesday said that it could not say whether the recent increase in minimum wages for farm and forestry workers was fair or not.
This was after the Department of Labour on Tuesday released the minimum wage rates for the farm and forestry sector for the 2018/2019 year. The new rates, which come into effect on 1 March 2018, will see a significant increase. Employees in the farm and forestry sectors are set to benefit from a 5.6% increase. Calculated on a 9 hour daily shift, the new monthly rate will be R3,169.19 (R731.41 weekly, R146.28 daily and R16.25 hourly). When asked whether the new hourly rate of R16.25 was enough for a farmworker to sustain himself or herself plus family, Agri SA said that because it did not represent workers, but organised agriculture, it would be unfair for it to offer an opinion as requested. “We believe in the balance between commercial sustainability of a farming venture and the interests of workers”, the association said. It went on to state that farming was hard, intensive work, and “we are truly thankful to each farmer and worker who ensure that we have food to eat.”
- Read this report by Zeenat Vallie in full at Business Report
- See too, Minimum wage for farm workers increased to R3,169 per month, at Business Report
- And also, Só styg minimum loon op plase en in winkels, at Netwerk24 (limit on access)
- As well as, Mixed reaction to minimum wage on farms, at SA Labour News
Source: SA Labour News