New BEE laws coming to South Africa – what you need to know


The Department of Employment and Labour’s Draft Regulations for the Employment Equity Amendment Act are open for public comment, and employers must understand the changes.

In April 2023, President Cyril Ramaphosa signed the Employment Equity Amendment Act into law. Although the Bill was introduced a year ago, the commencement date is yet to be promulgated.

To address [more…]

New BEE laws coming to South Africa – what you need to know2024-04-08T13:17:42+02:00

Further proposed changes to the generic B-BBEE Codes


Provided by: ENSafrica By: Leigh Lambrechts

The South African Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (the “B-BBEE Act”) is the current framework regulating broad-based black economic empowerment (”B-BBEE”). The Revised B-BBEE Codes, published in October 2013, detail how B-BBEE scores are to be measured for purposes of the B-BBEE Act, taking into account:

Further proposed changes to the generic B-BBEE Codes2018-08-14T06:36:52+02:00
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