Unfair Discrimination in the Workplace – What and How?



For the purposes of the Employment Equity Act, discrimination may be distinguished from unfair discrimination.
Discrimination occurs when an employer treats a person differently based on physical attributes or other factors such as religion or political belief. The act of treating employees differently may be justified in some circumstances (e.g. years of service may [more…]

Unfair Discrimination in the Workplace – What and How?2024-06-26T09:32:48+02:00

New BEE laws coming to South Africa – what you need to know


The Department of Employment and Labour’s Draft Regulations for the Employment Equity Amendment Act are open for public comment, and employers must understand the changes.

In April 2023, President Cyril Ramaphosa signed the Employment Equity Amendment Act into law. Although the Bill was introduced a year ago, the commencement date is yet to be promulgated.

To address [more…]

New BEE laws coming to South Africa – what you need to know2024-04-08T13:17:42+02:00

Unfair discrimination on the ground of disability – Employers should proceed with caution to avoid getting “burnt”


GoLegal Provided By ENSafrica By Andi Michalow

Two interesting South African decisions, both dealing with the employment of firefighters, illustrate important principles relating to potential claims where an employee alleges unfair discrimination on the basis of a disability or an analogous ground.

The case of South African Municipal Workers Union obo Damons v City of Cape [more…]

Unfair discrimination on the ground of disability – Employers should proceed with caution to avoid getting “burnt”2018-11-02T11:10:44+02:00

South African Human Rights Commission identifies issues with affirmative action and employment equity provisions


The South African Human Rights Commission (the “Commission”) is mandated by section 184 of the Constitution to promote respect for human rights and a culture of human rights; to promote the protection, development and attainment of human rights; and to monitor and assess the observance of human rights in [more…]

South African Human Rights Commission identifies issues with affirmative action and employment equity provisions2018-10-23T13:24:32+02:00

State leads the way in meeting employment equity targets


The public service has met employment equity targets for racial quotas, Public Service and Administration Minister Ayanda Dlodlo says.

The government has been struggling to enforce transformation in the private sector, where the white population occupies about 72% of top management positions.

According to the Commission for Employment Equity’s annual report, just more than 73% of top [more…]

State leads the way in meeting employment equity targets2018-06-08T07:50:10+02:00

Monitoring communications in the workplace


The Regulation of Interception of Communication and Provision of Communication-Related Information Act, 70 of 2002 (RICA) has become more commonly associated with cell phone sim card registrations. It is a generally unknown fact that RICA deals extensively with, in addition to the above, communications in the workplace.

What RICA regulates in the workplace

RICA regulates an [more…]

Monitoring communications in the workplace2018-02-22T13:54:36+02:00

Six firms set for court over employment equity and ‘misrepresentation’ breaches


ANA reports that the Department of Labour (DOL) on Monday said it was taking six companies to court over breaches of the Employment Equity Act (EEA).

The department’s Inspection and Enforcement Services (IES) branch is taking the companies to court for prosecution for failure to prepare employment equity plans [more…]

Six firms set for court over employment equity and ‘misrepresentation’ breaches2017-09-07T09:09:48+02:00
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