Applying a final written warning as a suitable disciplinary measure to address and correct the employee’s behaviour


Final written warnings constitute a crucial element within the disciplinary framework of any Organisation. They afford employers the opportunity to communicate to employees that their conduct is deemed unacceptable, emphasising the need for a change in behaviour to avert dismissal.

The occurrence of persistent or recurrent misconduct may lead to the issuance of a final written [more…]

Applying a final written warning as a suitable disciplinary measure to address and correct the employee’s behaviour2024-07-24T11:14:53+02:00

Should a resignation be reduced to writing? Are you staying or going?


Employers are often over-hasty to conclude that an employee’s actions amount to a resignation where it suits the employer. Caution should be exercised.

A contract of employment can end at the employer’s instance, in the form of a dismissal, or by the employee in the form of a resignation. Although a written resignation is preferred, sometimes [more…]

Should a resignation be reduced to writing? Are you staying or going?2024-07-17T09:05:56+02:00

Workplace well-being key in corporate wellness week


Corporate Wellness Awareness Week, July 1-5, emphasises how crucial employers are in fostering employee well-being.

Celebrating Corporate Wellness Awareness Week from 1 to 5 July by highlighting the vital role that companies play in fostering employee health and well-being is not just a matter of timing, it’s a matter of necessity.

A healthy workforce is a productive [more…]

Workplace well-being key in corporate wellness week2024-07-05T09:22:09+02:00

Where the employee is unable get on with fellow employees (incompatibility) – How to manage this


An employer is entitled to insist on reasonably harmonious relationships within its business. An employee may not act in a way which results in disharmony or disruption and a breakdown in relationships at work.

“Incompatibility” refers to, for example, an employee not fitting in with the organisational values of the employer, an inability to work in [more…]

Where the employee is unable get on with fellow employees (incompatibility) – How to manage this2024-06-12T09:19:02+02:00
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